LIVE: Chuck & Bo Show 1/20
Coaches Ben Shure and Anthony Brewer from Darby Middle School speak with Morning Rush producer Colton Little about the struggles of young teams still learning how...
Football/Fastbreak Friday! Tye finds reason for celebration, Tommy leads the cheer-dad cheer section, Clay Henry returns! Guests: Clay Henry!
LIVE: Chuck & Bo Show 1/17
Oaklawn 01/18 – Value Plays, The Renaissance Stakes. Plus The Lecomte Stakes (G3) in the Buy/Sell Segment.
Guests: Clay Henry, Dudley Dawson & Brett Dolan
“Somewhere in mid-January,” is when the Hogs basketball team should put it together under Cal according to our guest on this edition of The Morning Rush....
LIVE: Chuck & Bo Show 1/16